BMB Jewels
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Anel Do Sol

Ring of the Sun

151,00 €

Anel Estrelas

Star Ring

208,00 €

Anel Port Bonheur Coração

Port Bonheur Heart Ring

366,00 €

Anel Grosso Esmaltado

Thick Enamelled Ring

210,00 €

Anel 7 Chakras

Ring 7 Chakras

165,00 €

Anel História

History Ring

174,00 €

Anel Fêmea

Female Ring

147,00 €

Anel Macho

Male Ring

142,00 €

Anel Sky

Sky Ring

196,00 €

Anel Sky Blue

Sky Blue Ring

196,00 €

Anel Barbela c/ 1 Pedra

Barbela Ring w / 1 Stone

86,00 €

Anel Borboleta

Butterfly Ring

98,00 €