BMB Jewels
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Colar Corno 7 Chakras

7 Chakras Horn Necklace

178,00 €

Colar Barbela 3 Pedras

Barbel Necklace 3 Stones

194,00 €

Colar Barbela

Beard Necklace

227,00 €

Colar Folha Grande

Big Leaf Necklace

210,00 €

Colar Amuleto

Charm Necklace

156,00 €

Colar Corno Coral

Coral Horn Necklace

134,00 €

Colar Corno Paz Coral

Corno Paz Coral Necklace

187,00 €

Colar Cruz Flores

Cross Flowers Necklace

174,00 €

Colar Couro Cruz

Cross Leather Necklace

207,00 €

Colar cristal da Paz

Crystal Peace Necklace

236,00 €

Colar Barbela c/ Topázios

Dewlap Necklace w/ Topazes

405,00 €

Colar Equilibrio Emocional

Emotional Balance Necklace

212,00 €