BMB Jewels
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Colar Sensibilidade

Sensitivity Necklace

98,00 €

Colar Prosperidade

Prosperity Necklace

110,00 €

Colar Espirito Santo

Holy Spirit Necklace

127,00 €

Colar Corno Coral

Coral Horn Necklace

134,00 €

Colar Esperança

Hope Necklace

135,00 €

Colar prata Flor Folha

Necklace Greatness of Soul

140,00 €

Colar Amanhecer

Sun Rise Necklace

145,00 €

Colar Noite

Night Necklace

145,00 €

Colar da Amizade

Necklace Friendship

145,00 €

Colar Esperança

Hope Necklace

145,00 €

Colar Paixão

Passion Necklace

145,00 €

Colar ponto  de luz transparente

Transparent Light Focus Necklace

145,00 €